I received a wonderful gift in December, my book is going to be published! I will be working on the last revisions for the next couple of months. For those of you that read my blog, you might remember that I've been working on a book about my great great grandfather based on his civil war letters.

Join the private stewards’ Facebook group to share tips and ideas with your fellow stewards! Recommended Resources. Take lots of photos and add your library to the world map. Hold a Grand Opening Ceremony and invite your neighbors to kick off the library in style! Have a ribbon cutting, provide snacks, and exchange books. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (Award Number H327D170002). Adults access books to pursue careers, stay informed, and enjoy bestsellers and newest releases. Along the way you can choose whether to share all content (apps, audiobooks and books), or just.

Step 5: Follow the remaining steps to approve your account sharing, payment authorization and so on.